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Showing posts from November, 2018

Libraries and piracy - jolly roger ahoy

Scihub, it's a problem.  It contains access to 'nearly all scholarly literature' (Himmelstein, 2018). What does the persistent existence of Scihub and it's 'success' say about libraries, publishers and federated access management (FAM)? We acknowledge that the user journey, the properly sanctioned and paid for one, is quite a painful journey, but our solution seems to be making it more painful. Yes we now have discovery systems all wonderfully wayflessly linked together, but now what do I spy, is that a reCAPTCHA on half of the sodding articles i'm trying to access? I suppose it might do something to stop piracy but it's hardly encouraging our users to go through legitimate routes. It's certainly winding me up. What should we as librarian's think of piracy? SciHub, ResearchGate, all of it? Should we be against it on principle as a threat to our jobs and futures? It might genuinely be one. Those of us who have pitted our career on enabling digit...